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Coaching Team

Our coaching team is made up of two roles, mentors and coaches.


Coaches lead taught sessions, provide 1-to-1 coaching and in general can be approached for both feedback and questions on taught content. The typically have a particular set of weapons and/or treatise that they have a focus in.


Mentors also lead taught sessions and provide 1-to-1 coaching. In addition they have a commitment to the long-term development of club members as fencers and potentially coaches if that is a path someone wishes to follow. If you have questions about long-term goals or ambitions the mentors are a good place to start.


Any members that are interested in becoming coaches, either formally or just understanding the skillset (also great for practicing judging/adjudicating at competitions) please ask the coaching team. 

Hugo Day

Hugo began running courses in 2018. Interests:

  • Joachim Meyer's system (longsword, dusack, sidesword and companions, rondel and polearms)

  • Lichtenauer and adjacent treatise (primarily longsword, messer and companion)

  • Wrestling of various stripes

  • Vulgar Iberian (sidesword and companions, montante)

  • Destreza

  • Smallsword


Joe Kennerley

Joe began running courses in 2019. Interests:

  • ​
Robin Dando

Robin started as a coach in 2019, having joined the club as one of it's founding members in 2016. Interests:

  • Anything you give him


Chris Aspinall

Chris began running courses in 2021. Interests:

  • Dusack

Dan Knight

Dan began running courses in 2022. Interests:

  • Longsword

  • Sabre


Kryzsztof (Chris) Maminski

Chris began running courses in 2022. Interests:

  • Longsword

  • Sabre (particularly Polish sabre)


Jon-Paul Griffiths

Jon began running courses in 2023. Interests:

  • Sidesword (Meyer, Godinho)



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